Kamala Har­ris Promis­es To Impose PRICE CONTROLS On Food To “Com­bat Infla­tion” – Will Lead To Emp­ty Shelves And Famine

Kamala Harris Promises To Impose PRICE CONTROLS On Food To “Combat Inflation” – Will Lead To Empty Shelves And Famine

(Nat­ur­al News) To com­bat infla­tion, one of Kamala Har­ris’ first plans of action as pres­i­dent will be to impose the nation’s first-ever fed­er­al ban on “cor­po­rate price-goug­ing in the food and gro­cery indus­tries,” also known as price con­trols.

After hijack­ing Don­ald Trump’s pro­posed “no tax on tips” posi­tion, Kamala recy­cled an idea pro­posed by Joe Biden to restrict the prices that food pro­duc­ers, dis­trib­u­tors and retail­ers charge to pre­vent them from tak­ing advan­tage of con­sumers.
“There’s a big dif­fer­ence between fair pric­ing in com­pet­i­tive mar­kets, and exces­sive prices unre­lat­ed to the costs of doing busi­ness,” the Kamala …