News­Busters Pod­cast: Kamala’s Fawn-a-thon of 84 Per­cent Pos­i­tive News

The lat­est spe­cial report by vet­er­an MRC researcher Rich Noyes found that since Joe Biden was forced out of the pres­i­den­tial race, the ABC/CBS/NBC evening news­casts have giv­en her 84 per­cent pos­i­tive cov­er­age. That’s unprece­dent­ed in our MRC his­to­ry. Noyes not­ed “the spin of Harris’s cov­er­age has been more pos­i­tive (84%) than any oth­er major par­ty nom­i­nee, even as Trump’s cov­er­age has been near­ly entire­ly hos­tile (89% neg­a­tive).” 

In 2020, we cal­cu­lat­ed that the net­works sup­plied Joe Biden with 66% posit …