Star Wars actor Mark Hamill gives warn­ing at DNC: Don’t go ‘to the orange side’

Star Wars actor Mark Hamill made a swipe at for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump in a Tik­Tok video along­side Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Com­mit­tee Chair­man Jaime Har­ri­son on Mon­day dur­ing the first day of the party’s nation­al con­ven­tion.
“We’ve got an impor­tant elec­tion com­ing up in Novem­ber; have you got a mes­sage for every­body out there?” Har­ri­son said to Hamill while stand­ing in front of a DNC sign.

“Yes,” Hamill said.
“You got a mes­sage for every­body out there?” Har­ri­son asked in a rehearsed fash­ion.
“In the movies, I fought against make-believe evil. But we’re at a time in his­to­ry where we’re fight­ing against real evil,” the actor, known for his leg­endary role of Luke Sky­walk­er, said.
Hamill then added, “So I beg you, please don’t go to the orange side.”
As the actor dra­mat­i­cal­ly point­ed at the cam­era, Har­ri­son pulled out a lightsaber ready to …