Tra­di­tion­al press fum­ing over DNC seat­ing in Chica­go for Kamala Harris’s con­ven­tion

CHICAGO — Press arriv­ing at the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion found the num­ber of tra­di­tion­al press work­space seats gut­ted from pre­vi­ous con­ven­tions and instead a state-of-the-art ris­er con­struct­ed for Tik­Tok­ers.
The Unit­ed Cen­ter, where Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris will accept the nom­i­na­tion, cre­den­tialed 200 social media influ­encers and built a “first-ever cre­ator plat­form” direct­ly on the con­ven­tion floor to give them a front-row seat and direct access to the action. 
In turn, tra­di­tion­al print and wire ser­vice media were assigned 47 press stand seats equipped with non­sta­di­um chairs, a desk, inter­net, and pow­er. The result was too many jour­nal­ists and not enough seats in the are­na.
In com­par­i­son, at the Repub­li­can …