Vul­ner­a­ble Demo­c­rat Sen­a­tor Skips DNC, Refus­es To Endorse Har­ris In Bid To Save Sen­ate Seat

A vul­ner­a­ble Demo­c­rat sen­a­tor fac­ing a tough re-elec­tion has refused to endorse Kamala Har­ris for pres­i­dent and won’t be attend­ing the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion this week.
Sen. Jon Tester (D‑MT), appears to have fall­en behind his oppo­nent, Repub­li­can chal­lenger Tim Shee­hy, in the lat­est polls, and the senator’s refusal to endorse Har­ris or attend the DNC appear to be cal­cu­lat­ed moves to try and save his seat.
In the three most recent polls, con­duct­ed between June 29 and August 12, Shee­hy …