Biden speech delayed until after prime­time

Biden speech delayed until after primetime

Pres­i­dent Biden’s speech at the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion in Chica­go was delayed until after prime time on Mon­day night. The 81-year-old pres­i­dent used a tis­sue to dry his tears after being intro­duced on stage by daugh­ter Ash­ley Biden at about 10:25 p.m. CT. He went on to deliv­er about an hour-long address that did not con­clude until well after mid­night on the East Coast. “This is awful,” a long­time Biden aide texted Axios. “He lit­er­al­ly set up a cam­paign and hand­ed it over to them – do they have to cut him out of prime time?“In a state­ment to Fox News, con­ven­tion offi­cials attrib­uted the delay to the ener­gy of the audi­ence through­out the night. “Because of the rau­cous applause inter­rupt­ing speak­er after speak­er, we ulti­mate­ly skipped ele­ments of our pro­gram t …