Biden’s pre­ferred can­di­date, Mucarsel-Pow­ell, wins Flori­da Dem Sen­ate pri­ma­ry

<div>Biden's preferred candidate, Mucarsel-Powell, wins Florida Dem Senate primary</div>

The South Flori­da Demo­c­rat who pre­vi­ous­ly held the title of first Ecuado­ri­an Amer­i­can in Con­gress has defeat­ed her pri­ma­ry chal­lengers as she seeks the seat cur­rent­ly held by Repub­li­can Sen. Rick Scott.Former Rep. Deb­bie Mucarsel-Pow­ell was pro­ject­ed to win the Demo­c­rat pri­ma­ry on Tues­day evening, accord­ing to the Asso­ci­at­ed Press.Scott, won his own con­test­ed race Tues­day, has led Mucarsel-Pow­ell in a like­ly matchup by mid sin­gle-dig­its in recent polls.Biden has endorsed Mucarsel-Pow­ell, pre­vi­ous­ly refer­ring to her as Florida’s “next U.S. senator.“Mucarsel-Powell immi­grat­ed to the U.S. as a teenag­er and won the Flori­da Keys-cen­tric seat cur­rent­ly held by Rep. Car­los Gimenez, R‑Fla., for one term in 2018.She pre­vi­ous­ly worked in the non­prof­it sector.Her chal­lenger, Stan­ley Camp­bell, appeared to focus his camp …