Cack­lin’ Kamala’s Newest Rebrand Is A Total Joke

At the begin­ning of the year — before it was clear that Kamala Har­ris would replace Joe Biden on the tick­et — the Wash­ing­ton Post ran an op-ed enti­tled, “For the country’s sake, Vice Pres­i­dent Har­ris should step aside.” The edi­to­r­i­al called Har­ris a “colos­sal fail­ure” and specif­i­cal­ly crit­i­cized her for “cack­ling” at strange and unset­tling moments.
Around the same time, in April, a CNN pan­el also dis­cussed whether Joe Biden should ditch Kamala Har­ris. And again, they didn’t just dis­cuss her job per­for­mance. They also cit­ed her fre­quent, Jok­er-like cack­ling as one of the rea­sons she’s so unap­peal­ing to vot­ers. Watch:

April 26, 2024. CNN round­table dis­cuss­es how Kamala Har­ris may actu­al­ly be drag­ging Biden down in his bid for re-elec­tion. …