DNC atten­dees a mixed bag when it comes to vot­er ID laws amid tight con­ven­tion secu­ri­ty: ‘Free and fair’

<div>DNC attendees a mixed bag when it comes to voter ID laws amid tight convention security: 'Free and fair'</div>

CHICAGO – Secu­ri­ty at the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion has been tight as high-rank­ing elect­ed offi­cials pour into the Unit­ed Cen­ter amid anti-Israel protests, requir­ing atten­dees and the media to show a pho­to ID, press badge, or oth­er cre­den­tials to law enforce­ment and vol­un­teers in order to enter.Fox News Dig­i­tal spoke to Democ­rats at the Chica­go con­ven­tion about the tight secu­ri­ty and how it stacks up when com­pared to calls for vot­er ID laws that many Repub­li­cans say would bet­ter ensure safe and secure elec­tions. Democ­rats attend­ing the con­ven­tion offered vary­ing views on whether all Amer­i­cans should present pho­to IDs in order to vote, or if such a prac­tice sup­press­es Black voic­es, as Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris and Pres­i­dent Joe Biden have pre­vi­ou …