For­mer Clin­ton Advis­er Says ‘It’s Not Sur­pris­ing’ Har­ris Has ‘Surged In The Polls’ Because ‘She’s Had Unop­posed Media’

Former Clinton Adviser Says ‘It’s Not Surprising’ Harris Has ‘Surged In The Polls’ Because ‘She’s Had Unopposed Media’

For­mer Bill Clin­ton advis­er Mark Penn said on Tues­day that it’s no sur­prise Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris has climbed in the polls giv­en the pos­i­tive media cov­er­age she has received.Former Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump only has a .2% lead over Har­ris in the top sev­en bat­tle­ground states after hold­ing a 4.3% lead over Pres­i­dent Joe Biden when he was still run­ning for reelec­tion, accord­ing to the Real­Clear­Polling aver­ages. Penn, o …