Gov New­som says ‘everybody’s…jumping over each oth­er’ to cam­paign for Kamala Har­ris

Gov Newsom says ‘everybody’s…jumping over each other’ to campaign for Kamala Harris

CHICAGO — Gov. Gavin New­som said in the four weeks since Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris replaced Pres­i­dent Biden at the top of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty’s 2024 tick­et, “every­one and their moth­er is jump­ing on to help.“Harris has been rid­ing a wave of momen­tum as she has enjoyed a surge in polling and fundrais­ing after Biden’s block­buster announce­ment that he was end­ing his re-elec­tion bid for a sec­ond term in the White House.Biden’s dis­as­trous per­for­mance against for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump in their late June debate fueled ques­tions over whether the 81-year-old pres­i­dent had the phys­i­cal and men­tal abil­i­ties to han­dle anoth­er four years in the White House and sparked a cho­rus of calls from with­in his own par­ty to end his 2024 campaign.BIDEN PASSES TORCH TO HARRIS ON FIRST NIGHT OF DEMOCRATS’ CON­VEN­TION­Biden even­tu­al­ly …