Har­ris ener­gizes crowd in sur­prise vir­tu­al DNC appear­ance while cam­paign­ing in key swing state

Harris energizes crowd in surprise virtual DNC appearance while campaigning in key swing state

MILWAUKEE, WI — Vice Pres­i­dent Kam­la Har­ris took the Democ­rats’ con­ven­tion on the road on Tues­day, as she and run­ning mate Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz head­ed to near­by bat­tle­ground Wisconsin.Speaking in front of a packed Fis­erv Forum, the same are­na where the Repub­li­cans held their nation­al nom­i­nat­ing con­ven­tion one month ago, Har­ris point­ed to her bat­tle against for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump, say­ing “this is not 2016 or 2020,” and warn­ing that “the stakes are higher.“Portions of the ral­ly in Mil­wau­kee, Wis­con­sin’s largest city and a blue bas­tion in a cru­cial pur­ple state, were beamed into the Unit­ed Cen­ter 90 miles south in Chica­go, site of the four-night Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Convention.CLICK HERE FOR FOX NEWS UPDATES FROM THE DEMOCRATS’ CON­VEN­TIO­NAnd the crowd of Demo­c­ra­t­ic activists and sup­port­ers in Mil­wau­kee — which the cam­paign put at over 1 …