Judge rejects Hunter Biden’s bid to dis­miss tax charges over spe­cial coun­sel argu­ment

A judge shot down Hunter Biden’s sec­ond request that his tax charges be dis­missed over David Weiss’s spe­cial coun­sel appoint­ment after the first son used recent devel­op­ments in for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s cas­es to try to revive his argu­ment.
U.S. Dis­trict Judge Mark Scar­si wrote in an order Mon­day night that Biden’s request was untime­ly and con­tained no new legal the­o­ries to sup­port the claim that Attor­ney Gen­er­al Mer­rick Gar­land improp­er­ly appoint­ed Weiss as spe­cial coun­sel.
“There is no rea­son to revis­it the Court’s deci­sion now,” Scar­si wrote after pre­vi­ous­ly deny­ing a sim­i­lar request from Biden in April.
Biden, whose tri­al for nine tax charges is set to begin in three weeks, had asked the court in July to recon­sid­er the argu­ment that Weiss’s des­ig­na­tion as spe­cial coun­sel vio­lat­ed the appo …