Ken­tucky Gov Rips J.D. Vance on MSNBC: ‘Make Him Go Through’ a Fam­i­ly Mem­ber Being Raped

<div>Kentucky Gov Rips J.D. Vance on MSNBC: 'Make Him Go Through' a Family Member Being Raped</div>

Con­ser­v­a­tive Twit­ter lit up Tues­day when Gov. Andy Beshear (D‑Ky.) popped off on Morn­ing Joe that J.D. Vance has no empa­thy for women get­ting abor­tions after being raped, and we should ”make him go through this.” Vance tweet­ed over the video that Beshear was a “dis­gust­ing per­son.”
Beshear was lec­tur­ing on MSNBC that abor­tion pol­i­cy is “just so extreme” in states like his, with­out excep­tions for rape, incest, and “non-viable preg­nan­cies.”
Mika Brzezin­s­ki shot back: “Then on the right, gov­er­nor, you have — you have Repub­li­can can­di­dates and Repub­li­cans talk­ing about babies being abort­ed at nine months. Can you even make sense of their argu­ment?” He replied: “Half of it is not even true.  It’s just fear tac­tics. And it’s just lying to peo­ple.”

BESHEAR:  I mean, think about what some peo­ple have had to go through because of these laws. I mean, J.D. Vance calls preg­nan­cy result­ing from rape incon­veni …