MSNBC Gush­es Over ‘Star’ Hillary Clin­ton’s DNC Speech, Clothes

Andrea Mitchell is the­o­ret­i­cal­ly an MSNBC jour­nal­ist and anchor, but on Tues­day she was the pres­i­dent of the Hillary Clin­ton Fan Club as she gushed over the “star,” her clothes, and the “his­to­ry and progress” she alleged­ly rep­re­sents.
At the top-of-the-show pre­view, Mitchell oozed, “And Hillary Clin­ton in a star per­for­mance, hop­ing her loss in 2016 may have paved the way for Amer­i­ca to final­ly accept a woman as pres­i­dent.”
A few min­utes lat­er, Mitchell teed up a clip of Clinton’s speech, “Hillary Clin­to …