MSNBC’s Alex Wag­n­er Calls Oba­ma-Har­ris ‘The End of White Patri­ar­chal Soci­ety’

<div>MSNBC's Alex Wagner Calls Obama-Harris ‘The End of White Patriarchal Society’</div>

The Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion is in full swing and, unfor­tu­nate­ly, so is the Regime Media. The Regime syco­phants at MSNBC, con­sumed by their col­lec­tive desire to imprint the Har­ris can­di­da­cy into the Amer­i­can psy­che, have now pro­claimed Har­ris to be “the future”. 

With Joe Biden van­ish­ing in the rear-view mir­ror, the “Hope and Change” nos­tal­gia has been ramped up to 20. Watch as MSNBC’s non-Mad­dow 9PM host pro­claims Oba­ma and Har­ris to rep­re­sent “the future”:

Per MSNBC’s Alex …