Put pol­i­cy aside: Kamala Har­ris will win or lose based on the excite­ment fac­tor

Put policy aside: Kamala Harris will win or lose based on the excitement factor

Kamala Harris’s first big pol­i­cy speech did not exact­ly draw rave reviews from a media estab­lish­ment that large­ly seems to adore her.But with the Demo­c­ra­t­ic con­ven­tion get­ting under way, does that matter?Perhaps the most sting­ing crit­i­cism came from the Wash­ing­ton Post’s most­ly lib­er­al edi­to­r­i­al board, which declared that “unfor­tu­nate­ly, instead of deliv­er­ing a sub­stan­tial plan, she squan­dered the moment on pop­ulist gimmicks.“That may well be true. But again, does it real­ly matter?KAMALA HARRIS, TIME COVER GIRL: IS HER SURGE AGAINST TRUMP FUELED BY AN ENDLESS MEDIA HONEYMOON?Policy is cru­cial­ly impor­tant as vot­ers weigh how the can­di­dates would gov­ern for the next four years. It’s espe­cial­ly vital because Har­ris sud­den­ly emerged as the sub­sti­tute nom­i­nee in a three-month cam­paign – not a “coup,” as Don­ald Trump says – when Joe Biden was pres­sured int …