Report: DNC Speak­ers Men­tion ‘Trump’ 130 More Times than ‘Crime,’ ‘Infla­tion,’ and ‘Bor­der’ Com­bined

<div>Report: DNC Speakers Mention 'Trump' 130 More Times than 'Crime,' 'Inflation,' and 'Border' Combined</div>

Speak­ers at the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion (DNC) on Mon­day in Chica­go, Illi­nois, report­ed­ly men­tioned the word “Trump” 130 more times than three of the top 2024 issues com­bined: “crime,” “infla­tion,” and “bor­der.”
The Har­ris cam­paign avoids the issues because it is caught in a so-called “catch-22.”

Speak­ing about poli­cies to fix crime, infla­tion, and bor­der secu­ri­ty would under­mine the Biden-Har­ris administration’s claim of hav­ing solved those issues. How­ev­er, Democra …