Secret Ser­vice to put Trump behind bul­let­proof glass at North Car­oli­na ral­ly

Secret Service to put Trump behind bulletproof glass at North Carolina rally

Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee Don­ald Trump on Wednes­day will hold his first out­door cam­paign ral­ly since being tar­get­ed in an assas­si­na­tion attempt last month, but this time, he will be behind bul­let­proof glass when he takes the podi­um, the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er has learned.
The Secret Ser­vice plans to put Trump behind a spe­cial see-through pro­tec­tive bar­ri­er when he appears before sev­er­al thou­sand atten­dees at a ral­ly in Ashe­boro, North Car­oli­na, accord­ing to a source with first­hand knowl­edge of the secu­ri­ty mea­sures.
Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial can­di­date for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump (cen­ter-left) walks onstage with for­mer first lady Mela­nia Trump (cen­ter-right) at the end of the Repub­li­can Nation­al Con­ven­tion on July 18, 2024, in Mil­wau­kee. (AP Photo/J. Scott Apple­white)
The bar­ri­er is sim­i­lar to glass used in the president’s lim­ou­sine, which is also made to pro­tect t …