Tim Walz Went To War On Zyn While Push­ing Free Nee­dles, Legal­iz­ing Pot

Tim Walz Went To War On Zyn While Pushing Free Needles, Legalizing Pot

Tim Walz has legal­ized pot, pushed free nee­dles and is open to psy­che­del­ic drug legal­iza­tion, all while tax­ing nico­tine pouch­es at a 95 per­cent clip dur­ing his tenure as Minnesota’s Governor.Democrats are attempt­ing to sell Walz as a friend to the work­ing class, prais­ing his “Mid­west­ern val­ues.” His pol­i­cy his­to­ry, how­ev­er, indi­cates a Walz-Har­ris Admin­is­tra­tion may be in favor of crush­ing the vices of blue col­lar and tra­di­tion­al America.Walz, who Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris tapped in ear­ly August to be her …