Trump leans into ‘Com­rade Kamala’ label as Har­ris piv­ots left

Trump leans into ‘Comrade Kamala’ label as Harris pivots left

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris is mak­ing an appeal to her pro­gres­sive base with a series of cam­paign moves that are equal­ly tan­ta­liz­ing to her GOP rival, for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
Trump has sought to define Har­ris as a “Cal­i­for­nia rad­i­cal” by point­ing to her embrace of far-left poli­cies dur­ing her 2020 run for pres­i­dent. She has, to some extent, attempt­ed to insu­late her­self from that line of attack since tak­ing over the Demo­c­ra­t­ic tick­et, dis­avow­ing her pre­vi­ous sup­port for a ban on f …