‘Wide-Open Race’: Democ­rats Are Nar­row­ing In On This Key Demo­graph­ic, Poll Shows

‘Wide-Open Race’: Democrats Are Narrowing In On This Key Demographic, Poll Shows

Democ­rats have nar­rowed in on what used to be a dou­ble dig­it enthu­si­asm gap across Lati­no like­ly vot­ers in the after­math of the top-tick­et switch, accord­ing to a new Axios Vibes/Harris poll from Monday.Since Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris and her run­ning mate Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz have tak­en the reins, Lati­no Democ­rats and Lati­no Repub­li­cans are near­ly tied for enthu­si­asm, with 83% and 84% respec­tive­ly say­ing they are now extreme­ly like­ly to vote, accord­ing to the poll. Pri­or to Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s with­draw­al from the race in July, only 71% of Lati­no Democ­rats said t …