Unper­mit­ted anti-Israel protest blocked from approach­ing DNC’s Unit­ed Cen­ter

CHICAGO — Anti-Israel pro­test­ers are march­ing toward the Unit­ed Cen­ter on Wednes­day evening dur­ing the third night of the con­ven­tion to fete Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris.

A police offi­cer on the scene con­firmed to the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er the group wav­ing Pales­tin­ian flags does not have a per­mit for the demon­stra­tion to protest the U.S. response to the Israel-Hamas war.

My col­league @TianaTheFirst is fol­low­ing the Gaza pro­test­ers at Park 578, just north of the Unit­ed Cen­ter, and where demon­stra­tors pen­e­trat­ed the 1st lay­er of secu­ri­ty fenc­ing on Mon­day — the city had not grant­ed a per­mit to demon­strate today pic.twitter.com/u5sNF2md3y— Chris­t­ian Datoc (@TocRadio) August 21, 2024

More from @TianaTheFirst Police were on scene at Park 578 and blocked entrance to the park pic.twitter.com/P2po8YMJsF— Chris­t­ian Datoc (@TocRadio) …