Clin­ton lauds Biden as mod­ern-day George Wash­ing­ton and pres­i­dent who ‘healed our sick’ in DNC speech

<div>Clinton lauds Biden as modern-day George Washington and president who 'healed our sick' in DNC speech</div>

CHICAGO – For­mer Pres­i­dent Bill Clin­ton took the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion’s stage on Wednes­day evening where he laud­ed Pres­i­dent Biden as a mod­ern-day George Wash­ing­ton who “healed our sick.”“I do want to say one word about Pres­i­dent Biden,” Clin­ton said towards the start of his speech in Chica­go. “Remem­ber, he had an improb­a­ble turn that made him pres­i­dent. And we were in the mid­dle of a pan­dem­ic and an eco­nom­ic crash. He healed our sick, and put the rest of us back to work. And he strength­ened our alliances for peace and secu­ri­ty, stood up for Ukraine, try­ing des­per­ate­ly to get a cease­fire in the Mid­dle East.”“And then he did some­thing it’s real­ly hard for a politi­cian to do: He vol­un­tar­i­ly gave up polit­i­cal pow­er. And George Wash­ing­ton knew that. And he did it. And h …