Demo­c­ra­t­ic New Jer­sey Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. dead at 87

Democratic New Jersey Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. dead at 87

Long­time New Jer­sey Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. died on Wednes­day at 87, accord­ing to an announce­ment from his family.The Demo­c­rat passed away after serv­ing 14 terms in Con­gress. His fam­i­ly did not offer any details about his cause of death, though the law­mak­er had been in the hos­pi­tal since July.“It is with deep sad­ness that we announce that Bill Pascrell Jr., our beloved hus­band, father, and grand­fa­ther, passed away this morn­ing. As our Unit­ed States Rep­re­sen­ta­tive, Bill fought to his last breath to return to the job he cher­ished and to the peo­ple he loved,” his fam­i­ly wrote in a state­ment. “Bill lived his entire life in Pater­son and had an unwa­ver­ing love for the city he grew up in and served. He is now at peace af …