Guess Which Rad­i­cal Soros-Fund­ed DA Could Let DNC Riot­ers Walk

Guess Which Radical Soros-Funded DA Could Let DNC Rioters Walk

With hordes of anti-Israel pro­test­ers descend­ing on the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion (DNC) this week, atten­tion has turned to the jurisdiction’s top pros­e­cu­tor, a Soros-fund­ed extrem­ist.

Cook Coun­ty Dis­trict Attor­ney (DA) Kim Foxx is one of the most pro­lif­ic of the 126 Soros pros­e­cu­tors MRC doc­u­ment­ed in its August 12 Spe­cial Report. Foxx has built a career pro­tect­ing the left’s allies, cod­dling crim­i­nals and col­lud­ing with anti-Amer­i­can groups backed by left­ist activists George and Alexan­der Soros. 

Like many oth­er …