Jake Tap­per Rages at GOP Ser­vice Mem­bers Who Decry Walz’s Stolen Val­or

CNN’s Jake Tap­per – who nev­er served, who was nev­er a war reporter, who got rich off of books and movies he’s writ­ten about oth­er peo­ples’ war sto­ries – had some pret­ty strong, neg­a­tive thoughts about Repub­li­cans who answered the call to serve Amer­i­ca. Ahead of Night Three of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion were val­or thief Gov­er­nor Tim Walz (MN) was set the accept the veep nom­i­na­tion, Tap­per lashed out Repub­li­cans who called out his can­di …