Michelle Oba­ma tells DNC her par­ents were ‘sus­pi­cious’ of the wealthy despite own $70M net worth, lux­u­ry homes

<div>Michelle Obama tells DNC her parents were 'suspicious' of the wealthy despite own M net worth, luxury homes</div>

Michelle Oba­ma said dur­ing her speech on the sec­ond night of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion in Chica­go Tues­day that her par­ents “were sus­pi­cious of folks who took more than they needed.“But crit­ics quick­ly point­ed out how she con­ve­nient­ly omit­ted that the Oba­mas have an esti­mat­ed net worth of $70 mil­lion, as well as lux­u­ry real estate hold­ings in Chica­go, Hawaii, Mass­a­chu­setts and Wash­ing­ton, D.C. The for­mer first lady began her DNC speech by say­ing the last time she was in her home­town of Chica­go was to memo­ri­al­ize her moth­er, the woman “who showed me the mean­ing of hard work and humil­i­ty and decen­cy” and “who set my moral com­pass high and showed me the pow­er of my own voice.” “She and my father did­n’t aspire to be wealthy. In fact, they were sus­pi­cious of folks who took more than they need­ed,” Michelle Oba­ma said. “They under­stood that it was­n’t enough for their kids to thrive if every­one else around u …