Michelle Oba­ma’s 3rd con­sec­u­tive DNC speech slam­ming Trump rips his ‘racist lies,’ ‘nar­row view of the world’

<div>Michelle Obama's 3rd consecutive DNC speech slamming Trump rips his 'racist lies,' 'narrow view of the world'</div>

CHICAGO — For­mer first lady Michelle Oba­ma returned to famil­iar ground dur­ing her Tues­day speech to the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion in Chica­go, deliv­er­ing her third DNC speech in a row square­ly aimed at denounc­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump. In Tues­day night’s address, Oba­ma took swipes at Trump’s inher­i­tance of “gen­er­a­tional wealth” and sug­gest­ed that race was the rea­son he opposed her hus­band’s presidency.“For years, Don­ald Trump did every­thing in his pow­er to try to make peo­ple fear us,” the for­mer first lady said about Trump’s view of her hus­band’s polit­i­cal career. “See, his lim­it­ed, nar­row view of the world made him feel threat­ened by the exis­tence of two hard­work­ing, high­ly edu­cat­ed, suc­cess­ful peo­ple who hap­pened to be Black.”“Wait,” Oba­ma said …