Shav­ing democ­ra­cy: MyPillow’s Mike Lin­dell takes dras­tic mea­sure to blend in at DNC

MyP­il­low CEO Mike Lin­dell, an ardent sup­port­er of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, shaved his 30-year-old mus­tache to go under­cov­er at the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion.
Lin­dell is one of sev­er­al Repub­li­can social media influ­encers, also includ­ing Turn­ing Point USA founder Char­lie Kirk and Dai­ly Wire colum­nist Matt Walsh, to observe the DNC.
“Mike Lin­dell final­ly did it,” he post­ed on X. “It’s been 30 years since Mike has shaved his mus­tache. But in order to go under­cov­er at the DNC and deliv­er FrankSpeech view­ers under­cov­er footage, he final­ly allowed a bar­ber to take a razor to his icon­ic ‘stache.”

Mike Lin­dell final­ly did it. It’s been 30 years since Mike has shaved his mus­tache. But in order to go under­cov­er at the DNC and deliv­er FrankSpeech view­ers under­cov­er footag …