New­som dodges ques­tion on Har­ris price con­trols: ‘She has­n’t put out the details’

<div>Newsom dodges question on Harris price controls: 'She hasn't put out the details'</div>

Gov. Gavin New­som, D‑Calif., declined to say out­right whether he sup­port­ed Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ recent­ly rolled out price-con­trol pro­pos­al in the food indus­try, which her cam­paign described as a first-ever ban on “price-goug­ing.” “We haven’t seen the details of it yet. She has­n’t — she has­n’t put out the details,” the Cal­i­for­nia gov­er­nor and Demo­c­ra­t­ic star play­er told Fox News Dig­i­tal when asked if he was back­ing Har­ris’ eco­nom­ic plan, par­tic­u­lar­ly the price-fix­ing aspect of it.Newsom did not answer the ques­tion upon the first two attempts, and the gov­er­nor’s secu­ri­ty guard at one point phys­i­cal­ly swat­ted away Fox News Dig­i­tal’s micro­phone. HARRIS DODGING FLIP-FLOP ATTACKS AS FACELESS SURROGATES FLIP KEY POSITIONS: ‘PLAYING POLITICS’ ”When I have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to view …