Oba­m­a­gasms Every­where! ABC Los­es It Over ‘Elec­tri­fy­ing’ Oba­mas at DNC

Obamagasms Everywhere! ABC Loses It Over ‘Electrifying’ Obamas at DNC

ABC’s Good Morn­ing Amer­i­ca has always been a team play­er for the left, so that meant on Wednes­day they had to have on-air Oba­m­a­gasams to get their points across about how Barack and Michelle Oba­ma were an “elec­tri­fy­ing” and “force­ful one-two punch” with “polit­i­cal and per­son­al” speech­es “pum­mel­ing Don­ald Trump in blis­ter­ing terms..as dan­ger­ous, divi­sive, and pett …