Top take­aways from elec­tion night in Flori­da, Alas­ka, and Wyoming

Top takeaways from election night in Florida, Alaska, and Wyoming

Incum­bent Repub­li­cans came out on top on Tues­day after sev­er­al GOP law­mak­ers beat back their pri­ma­ry chal­lengers — though for some of them, the fight is not over, as they face more chal­leng­ing con­tests in Novem­ber against strong Demo­c­ra­t­ic can­di­dates.
In Flori­da, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R‑FL) defeat­ed a Kevin McCarthy-backed chal­lenger, the lat­est episode in their feud stem­ming from a Gaetz-led effort to oust the for­mer speak­er from the posi­tion last year. Sev­er­al oth­er House mem­bers whose races have shift­ed slight­ly in favor of Democ­rats gained their respec­tive chal­lengers Tues­day night, set­ting up com­pet­i­tive matchups this fall.
Sen. John Bar­ras­so (R‑WY) hand­i­ly defeat­ed his GOP chal­lenger on Tues­day, putting him on an easy path to reelec­tion this fall, as well.
In good n …