Pro-gun group seeks Supreme Court review of Mary­land ‘assault weapons’ ban

Pro-gun group seeks Supreme Court review of Maryland ‘assault weapons’ ban

A pro-gun group asked the Supreme Court on Wednes­day to weigh a chal­lenge to Maryland‘s ban on assault-style firearms, com­mon­ly referred to as “assault weapons,” after low­er courts reject­ed efforts to over­turn the state’s 2013 law.
The Firearms Pol­i­cy Coali­tion is fight­ing against the 2013 law that clas­si­fies numer­ous semi­au­to­mat­ic weapons as ille­gal “assault weapons.” Ear­li­er this month, the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Cir­cuit split 10–5 in a rul­ing that upheld the law despite efforts by pro-gun lit­i­gants to uti­lize a recent land­mark Sec­ond Amend­ment rul­ing that some believe would result in the nul­li­fi­ca­tion of gun con­trol laws.
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