SHOOT TO KILL? NPR Airs Adam Kinzinger Com­par­ing Trump to Ene­my in Trench War­fare

Left­ist media out­lets like Nation­al Pub­lic Radio may not have for­got­ten entire­ly about the assas­si­na­tion attempt on Don­ald Trump, but it doesn’t enter their brains when “Repub­li­cans for Har­ris” com­pare Trump to an ene­my in mor­tal com­bat. In this case, it’s Pelosi-Picked Pan­elist Adam Kinzinger.

In a “Repub­li­cans for Har­ris” boost­er sto­ry on Tuesday’s Morn­ing Edi­tion, NPR reporter Ben Giles tout­ed how Kinzinger says Amer­i­ca’s democ­ra­cy is under threat this fall: “Do we want our kids and o …