So Hun­dreds Of Thou­sands Of Those “Jobs” Were Com­plete­ly Fake?

So Hundreds Of Thousands Of Those “Jobs” Were Completely Fake?

Every month, it is almost always the same sto­ry.  The gov­ern­ment releas­es a num­ber that indi­cates that the U.S. econ­o­my has been cre­at­ing plen­ty of “jobs”, and then lat­er on that num­ber is dra­mat­i­cal­ly revised low­er.  But by the time it is revised low­er, nobody real­ly cares any­more.  The fake num­bers that are ini­tial­ly released month after month have giv­en the Amer­i­can peo­ple the impres­sion that the econ­o­my is per …