Three can­di­dates advance in ranked choice pri­ma­ry for Alaska’s At-Large dis­trict

<div>Three candidates advance in ranked choice primary for Alaska's At-Large district</div>

Three can­di­dates advanced to Alaska’s gen­er­al elec­tion to rep­re­sent the state’s At-Large Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict on Tues­day, accord­ing to a call by the Asso­ci­at­ed Press.Alaska has a non-par­ti­san, ranked-choice pri­ma­ry sys­tem that selects the four can­di­dates with the most votes, regard­less of par­ty, to pro­ceed to the gen­er­al elec­tion. Tues­day’s pri­ma­ry saw 12 can­di­dates vying for a posi­tion in the top four, includ­ing incum­bent Rep. Mary Pel­to­la, D‑Ala., who advanced to the gen­er­al elec­tion with 50.7% of the vote.Republican Nick Begich, who ran for the seat against Pel­to­la in 2022, fin­ished in 2nd place with 26.8%.Republican Lt. Gov. Nan­cy Dahlstrom, who was endorsed by for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump, was the num­ber three can­di­date with 19.9% of the votes in the Last Fron­tier primary.BIDEN SET TO BLOCK MILLIONS OF ACRES IN ALASKA FROM OIL, GAS DRILLING IN EARTH DAY ACTION­The Asso­ci­at­ed Press did­n’t make a call on the 4th place fin­ish­er. None of the remain­ing can­di­dates broke the 1% mark.The race also saw David Ambrose, Samuel Claes­son, Lady Don­na Dutchess, Richard Grayson, Eric Hafn­er, Ger­ald Heikes, John Wayne Howe, Richard May­ers, and Matthew Sal­is­bury vying for the seat. …