Trump, reject­ing advice, tries mock­ery, insults, AI against Kamala, but is it work­ing?

Trump, rejecting advice, tries mockery, insults, AI against Kamala, but is it working?

There’s real­ly no oth­er choice but to let Trump be Trump.While Kamala Har­ris rocked the DNC with an unex­pect­ed appear­ance and short speech to the rap­tur­ous crowd, Don­ald Trump con­tin­ued to attack his new oppo­nent, some­times in odd ways. He is ignor­ing pub­lic advice from such close Repub­li­can allies as Lind­sey Gra­ham. “If you have a pol­i­cy debate, he wins,” the sen­a­tor said on “Meet the Press.” “Don­ald Trump the provo­ca­teur, the show­man, may not win this election.“PUT POLICY ASIDE: KAMALA HARRIS WILL WIN OR LOSE BASED ON THE EXCITEMENT FAC­TORNik­ki Haley, who’s only nom­i­nal­ly endorsed Trump, deliv­ered a sim­i­lar mes­sage to Fox’s Bret Baier: “The cam­paign is not going to win talk­ing about crowd sizes. It’s not going to win talk­ing about what race Kamala Ha …