Oprah Win­frey Com­plete­ly Omits Democ­ra­t’s Long His­to­ry of Sup­port­ing Seg­re­ga­tion in DNC Speech

<div>Oprah Winfrey Completely Omits Democrat's Long History of Supporting Segregation in DNC Speech</div>

Oprah Win­frey brought the so-called “joy” to her sur­prise DNC appear­ance on Wednes­day — lit­er­al­ly belt­ing out “Joooooy!” in her sig­na­ture vocal vibra­to to the thou­sands gath­ered at the Chica­go con­ven­tion. But what the for­mer talk-show diva left out were his­toric facts in what amount­ed to yet anoth­er attempt by Demo­c­rat elites to …