Trump Wel­comes Poten­tial RFK Jr. Endorse­ment, Slams Dems Who Treat­ed Kennedy ‘Very Bad­ly’

Trump Welcomes Potential RFK Jr. Endorsement, Slams Dems Who Treated Kennedy ‘Very Badly’

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump said on Thurs­day that he “would be hon­ored” to have the endorse­ment of the “respect­ed” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after reports swirled that the Demo­c­rat-turned-inde­pen­dent pres­i­den­tial can­di­date is plan­ning to throw his sup­port behind Trump in an address lat­er this week.
ABC News report­ed on Wednes­day that Kennedy is expect­ed to end his inde­pen­dent bid for pres­i­dent in a speech on Fri­day, in which he will also endorse the Repub­li­can nom­i­nee. Kennedy is slat­ed to speak in Phoenix on Fri­day as Trump holds an event in Glen­dale, Ari­zona, which is just out­side of Phoenix. Trump called in to “Fox & …