Wyoming man run­ning as bot con­cedes race, launch­es ‘alliance’ to inject AI into pol­i­tics

Wyoming man running as bot concedes race, launches ‘alliance’ to inject AI into politics

Vic­tor Miller, who had been run­ning as an arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence-pow­ered bot named “VIC” [Vir­tu­al Inte­grat­ed Cit­i­zen] in Wyoming’s cap­i­tal city, con­ced­ed his bid to make tech­no­log­i­cal polit­i­cal his­to­ry on Wednesday.Miller received 327 votes, or about 3% of the total cast, in Cheyenne’s non­par­ti­san may­oral pri­ma­ry on Tues­day night, accord­ing to Laramie Coun­ty records.On Wednes­day, Fox News Dig­i­tal obtained a state­ment from Miller say­ing that he and VIC came up short in their bid to change the def­i­n­i­tion of polit­i­cal machine in the Cow­boy State’s cap­i­tal city:“Today, I, Vic­tor Miller, con­cede the Cheyenne may­oral race. As the first per­son to put arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence direct­ly on the bal­lot, offer­ing vot­ers the nov­el choice of AI gov­er­nance, our cam­paign has marked a his­toric moment in pol­i­tics a …