Accu­sa­tions of Biden admin ‘inter­fer­ence’ in trans­gen­der surgery guide­lines for minors probed by House GOP

<div>Accusations of Biden admin 'interference' in transgender surgery guidelines for minors probed by House GOP</div>

FIRST ON FOX: A House Over­sight Com­mit­tee pan­el is prob­ing accu­sa­tions that the Biden admin­is­tra­tion pres­sured a glob­al med­ical rec­om­men­da­tions body to drop age lim­it guide­lines for trans­gen­der care.“The Com­mit­tee on Over­sight and Account­abil­i­ty is inves­ti­gat­ing alle­ga­tions of polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence by the U. S. Depart­ment of Health and Human Ser­vices (HHS) in third-par­ty med­ical orga­ni­za­tion rec­om­men­da­tions,” a let­ter to HHS Sec­re­tary Xavier Becer­ra sent on Tues­day read.“We are con­cerned that HHS offi­cials, act­ing in their offi­cial capac­i­ty, inap­pro­pri­ate­ly applied pres­sure for changes to inter­na­tion­al pedi­atric med­ical standards.“TRANSGENDER ATHLETE COMPLAINS ABOUT LACK OF SPORTSMANSHIP FROM FELLOW RUNNERS AFTER WINNING GIRLS STATE TITLEThe let­ter was writ­ten by Rep. Li …