Joe For Roe? Joe Scar­bor­ough Silent as David French Prais­es Dobbs Deci­sion

Joe For Roe? Joe Scarborough Silent as David French Praises Dobbs Decision

On today’s Morn­ing Joe, Joe Scar­bor­ough’s hypocrisy on the issue of abor­tion was on stark dis­play.
Scar­bor­ough trashed Trump for flip-flop­ping on abor­tion. But has there been a big­ger flip-flop­per on the issue than Scar­bor­ough him­self?
Back when he was a con­gress­man, Scar­bor­ough scored per­fect rat­ings from pro-life groups and goose eggs from the likes of Planned Par­ent­hood and NARAL. Is there any doubt that back in those days, Scar­bor­ough was a con­sis­tent crit­ic of Roe v. Wade?
But now, Scar­bor­ough has effec­tive­ly become pro-choice. On today’s Morn­ing Joe, he crit­i­cized con­ser­v­a­tives who sup­port­ed the Supreme Court’s over­turn­ing of Roe, and con­demned judi­cial activism on the sub­ject. 
But what was Roe oth­er than per­haps that most egre­gious all-time exam­ple of judi­cial activism? Back in 2019, before the Dobbs case was decid­ed, MSNBC legal ana­lyst Dan­ny Ceval­los declared on …