Anti-Israel group fund­ed by Soros gains influ­ence with 60 Biden White House vis­its

Anti-Israel group funded by Soros gains influence with 60 Biden White House visits

Over the course of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s time in office, an anti-Israel group that receives large checks from Demo­c­ra­t­ic megadonor George Soros has seen its top staffers score 60 trips to the White House for high-lev­el meet­ings, accord­ing to records.
Offi­cials at Emgage, a group that has pro­mot­ed the anti-Israel Boy­cott, Divest­ment, and Sanc­tions move­ment, have hob­nobbed at the White House on at least 60 occa­sions com­bined since 2021, accord­ing to White House vis­i­tor logs reviewed by the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er.
Emgage notably blamed Israel for alleged­ly pro­vok­ing Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack last year and counts Khur­rum Wahid, an attor­ney who was report­ed­ly placed on a fed­er­al ter­ror­ist watch list and has a track record of asso­ci­at­ing with Mus­lim Broth­er­hood-link …