EXCLUSIVE: School Dis­trict Had Trans-Iden­ti­fy­ing Female Super­vise Young Boys Show­er­ing, Law­suit Alleges

EXCLUSIVE: School District Had Trans-Identifying Female Supervise Young Boys Showering, Lawsuit Alleges

A Col­orado school dis­trict has know­ing­ly and repeat­ed­ly assigned chil­dren to bunk with mem­bers of the oppo­site sex on overnight trips, accord­ing to a law­suit first obtained by The Dai­ly Wire.Jefferson Coun­ty School District’s “Trans­gen­der Stu­dents” pol­i­cy requires that all stu­dents on overnight vis­its are to be roomed by their gen­der iden­ti­ty, rather than their actu­al sex. The dis­trict shared this pol­i­cy with trans­gen­der-iden­ti­fy­ing stu­dents and chap­er­ones, but not with stu­dents or their parents.The three fam­i­lies suing th …