Trump clings to New Hamp­shire dream after cam­paign aide ques­tions chances: ‘I’ve done well there’

Trump clings to New Hampshire dream after campaign aide questions chances: ‘I’ve done well there’

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump pushed back on doubts he’s unable to win New Hamp­shire on Elec­tion Day as he expressed faith he’ll claim vic­to­ry in a state “bad­ly treat­ed by the Demo­c­rat Par­ty.” 
Trump held out hope he could flip the state red dur­ing an hour­long town hall inter­view with Fox News’s Sean Han­ni­ty released Wednes­day evening. 
“We real­ly want to win New Hamp­shire,” the for­mer pres­i­dent said. “I’ve done well there and we real­ly want to win New Hamp­shire,” he reit­er­at­ed. 
Trump’s com­ments came after his team deemed a staffer who claimed “the cam­paign has deter­mined that New Hamp­shire is no longer a bat­tle­ground …