ICYMI: Doocy Makes KJP Crum­ble After Grilling Her on Bor­der Stats, NC Flood­ing

ICYMI: Doocy Makes KJP Crumble After Grilling Her on Border Stats, NC Flooding

Monday’s White House press brief­ing was oth­er­wise unevent­ful with plen­ty of process ques­tions about the fall­out from Hur­ri­cane Helene and con­cerns about Mid­dle East ten­sions (which would grow Tues­day with Iran’s mis­sile attacks), but Doocy Time brought the heat with chal­leng­ing ques­tions on dan­ger­ous ille­gal immi­grants and how Pres­i­dent Biden and Vice Pres­i­dent Har­ris …