Iran Launch­es 180 Mis­siles at Israel

Iran launched a strike of over 180 bal­lis­tic mis­siles at Israel Tues­day, fol­low­ing a week of ris­ing ten­sions. The mis­siles result­ed in a sin­gle Pales­tin­ian casu­al­ty in the West Bank and no Israeli casu­al­ties.

“In accor­dance with legit­i­mate rights and with the aim of [estab­lish­ing] peace and secu­ri­ty in Iran and the region, a deci­sive response has been made to the Zion­ist regime’s aggres­sion,” Iran’s Pres­i­dent Masoud Pezeshkian wrote in a state­ment.

“The entire world should con­demn the attack,” U.S. Sec­re­tary of State Antho­ny Blinken stat­ed. 

He added, “In …