Trump, the ulti­mate show­man, cap­i­tal­izes on Biden’s ‘garbage’ gaffe

Trump, the ultimate showman, capitalizes on Biden’s ‘garbage’ gaffe

Rolling up in a garbage truck decked out in cam­paign signs and flags, for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump cre­at­ed a made-for-TV-moment for await­ing reporters Wednes­day night ahead of his Green Bay, Wis­con­sin, ral­ly.

Short­ly there­after, Trump strolled onto a stage sur­round­ed by sup­port­ers from bat­tle­ground Wis­con­sin don­ning a bright orange garbage­man vest.

“I have to begin by say­ing 250 mil­lion Amer­i­cans are not garbage,” Trump said, prompt­ing cheers from the crowd. “This week, Kamala has been com­par­ing her polit­i­cal oppo­nents to the most evil mass mur­der­ers in his­to­ry, and now, speak­ing on a call for her cam­paign last night, crooked Joe Biden final­ly said what he and Kamala real­ly think of our sup­port­ers. He called them ‘garbage.’”

The polit­i­cal the­atrics were fit­ting for the for­mer real­i­ty star who cap­ti­vat­ed nation­al TV audi­ences as the star of The Appren­tice. The garbage man dress-up also had the prac­ti­cal effect of mov­ing on from Sunday’s Madi­son Square Gar­den ral­ly that had been over­shad­owed by open­ing speak­ers deliv­er­ing demean­ing speech­es and punch­lines toward immi­grants, Lati­nos, and Puer­to Ricans, includ­ing a come­di­an who labeled the U.S. ter­ri­to­ry of Puer­to Rico “a float­ing island of garbage.”

While con­cerns about his Puer­to Rican sup­port may linger, Trump cap­i­tal­ized on a gaffe from Pres­i­dent Joe Biden assail­ing the GOP nominee’s sup­port­ers as “garbage.”


“They actu­al­ly mean it, even though, with­out ques­tion, my sup­port­ers are far high­er qual­i­ty than Crooked Joe or Lyin’ Kamala,” Trump said. “My response to Joe and Kamala is very sim­ple: You can’t lead Amer­i­ca if you don’t love Amer­i­cans.”

The White House’s expla­na­tion for Biden’s remarks, made a week before Elec­tion Day dur­ing a Voto Lati­no get-out-the-vote call Tues­day night, failed to quell the uproar from Trump, his cam­paign, and Repub­li­can law­mak­ers. Biden’s team said the pres­i­dent was refer­ring to the Trump ral­ly come­di­an at Madi­son Square Gar­den who den­i­grat­ed Puer­to Rico and not Trump sup­port­ers as a whole.

Trump told sup­port­ers Wednes­day night that Biden and Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris have “bul­lied you,” “demo­nized us,” and “cen­sored us.” He made note of his garbage­man vest and recalled an infa­mous cri­tique of his sup­port­ers used by 2016 Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee Hillary Clin­ton.

“That blows ‘deplorable’ away, don’t you think?” Trump asked rhetor­i­cal­ly.

The idea to field ques­tions from the press before­hand dressed as a garbage­man, while seat­ed in the pas­sen­ger seat of a garbage truck, came from his team, Trump said. Cam­paign staffers informed him that “garbage” was trend­ing online. He said he was told that the orange vest made him look “thin­ner,” which prompt­ed him to keep it on for the ral­ly.

“We had a lit­tle fun about a time when our coun­try is not hav­ing a lot of fun,” Trump said.

Pressed by reporters about the offen­sive Puer­to Rico joke while seat­ed in the garbage truck, the for­mer pres­i­dent dis­tanced him­self from the come­di­an Tony Hinch­cliffe who deliv­ered it and declined to apol­o­gize on their behalf.

“I love Puer­to Rico. And Puer­to Rico loves me. I don’t know any­thing about a come­di­an,” Trump said. “Nobody has done more for Puer­to Rico than me. Nobody gets along bet­ter with Puer­to Rico. They love me and I love them.”


Trump also sought to take on Harris’s clos­ing argu­ment speech she had deliv­ered the evening pri­or from the Ellipse just out­side the White House. She made an appeal to inde­pen­dent and Repub­li­can vot­ers by warn­ing Trump was too dan­ger­ous for a sec­ond term, speak­ing from the same spot as his “Stop the Steal” ral­ly on Jan. 6, 2021, that pre­cip­i­tat­ed the attack on the Capi­tol.

“She talked last night, and all she talked about was Don­ald Trump,” Trump said before play­ing an edit­ed mashup of her ref­er­enc­ing him by name near­ly two dozen times. “That’s all she talked about because she and Joe have absolute­ly no achieve­ments.”