The Los Ange­les Dodgers win the 2024 World Series

The Los Angeles Dodgers win the 2024 World Series

The Dodgers over­came a 5–0 deficit to win their eighth title in fran­chise his­to­ry. The Dodgers set a record for being the first team to use eight pitch­ers in a game to clinch the World Series, ESPN report­ed

The franchise’s last cham­pi­onship came dur­ing the COVID-19-short­ened sea­son of 2020. Before that year, the fran­chise had not won a World Series since 1988, despite a long run of reg­u­lar sea­son suc­cess over the last two decades.

“We’re obvi­ous­ly resilient, but there’s so much love in the club­house that won this game today,” Dodgers star play­er Mook­ie Betts said dur­ing an inter­view on ESPN. “That’s what it was. It was love, it was grit. I mean, it was just a beau­ti­ful thing. I’m just proud of us, and I’m hap­py for us.”

Betts was embroiled in some con­tro­ver­sy in Game 4 when he was try­ing to field a foul ball that made its way to the stands before a New York Yan­kees fan grabbed his arm and ripped the ball out of his glove.


The cham­pi­onship also marks the first for MLB megas­tar Shohei Ohtani, who signed with the team as a free agent in the off­sea­son. Ohtani’s deal was a 10-year con­tract worth $700 mil­lion.

Dodgers first base­man Fred­die Free­man was named Most Valu­able Play­er after a mas­sive World Series in which he hit a home run in four out of the series’s five games, includ­ing a grand slam in extra innings in Game 1 that won the game for the Dodgers.